Helping to Empower Abused Lives
The Spokesman Review
Inland Northwest Women of the Year: Mable Dunbar
As a counselor, Mable Dunbar has empowered and healed countless women throughout her life. Nearing retirement, she founded a nonprofit called the Women's Healing and Empowerment Network (WHEN). She raised the funds to found Cleone's Closet food/clothing pantry in Airway Heights and also hosts an annual conference highlighting women's issues that helps fund Frieda's Healing Center, a long-term residency home in a secured location that Dunbar founded for women escaping domestic violence. (DAN PELLE/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW)
Frieda's Healing Center is a facility for women with children. Residents can stay up to six months. School aged children are required to attend school. Residents are required to participate in group counseling, individual coaching, and other programs offered by WHEN.
Cleone’s Closet Food Pantry partners with Second Harvest, area business (Grocery Outlet, Walmart, Yokes), area residents, and local farmers to provide food to those who are hungry.
In collaboration with WHEN, Men of Compassion is a program designed to facilitate a Christian ministry for men and to teach them how abuse affects those around them.

What is WHEN?
WHEN (Women’s Healing & Empowerment Network) is a first-line response to ending violence against women, men, and children. WHEN offers a variety of programs to educate and inform both victims and offenders of mental and physical abuse.
WHEN, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2008 as a response to the growing need for programs and services to address the issues of domestic violence and sexual abuse. As a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to WHEN are tax deductible.
As a program of WHEN, Cleone’s Closet Food Pantry and Resource Center, located in Airway Heights, WA, helps alleviate food insecurity. Food is distributed three times a week through donations and associations with other organizations. For more information, click here.
Do you need help now?
If you are currently experiencing an emergency please call 911.
If you need to talk to someone about a current domestic violence situation, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1 (800) 799-7233.
If you are ready to leave an abusive situation and would like information, call 1 (877) 276-5597.
Let us help you!
If you need food assistance, please come by and get healthy food! We have canned and fresh foods available.
If you need toiletries such as a bar of soap, a comb, or a toothbrush, we have them. If you need some socks or warm clothing, we will find those, too.
We are here for you!
Visit us at:
13114 W Sunset Hwy,
Airway Heights, WA.
Monday & Friday: 12:00 Noon - 2:00 p.m.
2023 Video Shorts
Click here to see longer versions
Please feel free to share our videos on Social Media.
Our YouTube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/@whennetwork/videos
Spot 1 WHEN Overview 01
Spot 2 How You Can Help 01
Spot 3 Frieda’s Healing Center 01
Spot 1 WHEN Overview 02
Spot 2 How You Can Help 02
Spot 3 Frieda’s Healing Center 02
Spot 1 WHEN Overview 03
Spot 2 How You Can Help 03
Spot 4 Cleone’s Closet 01
Spot Cleone’s Closet 02