Frieda’s Healing Center

Frieda Cook

Frieda Cook

When women find themselves in an abusive situation, where do they go for protection and help? FHC wraps them in arms of love and protection, providing safe shelter, professional in-house individual coaching and group counseling, referrals, spiritual support, and other support services.

Frieda's Healing Center is a facility for abused women with children (boys up to 10 years old). Residents can stay up to six months. School aged children are required to attend school. Residents are required to participate in group counseling, individual coaching, and other programs offered by WHEN. The center is situated on 5 acres in a beautiful country setting. All furniture, appliances, linens, towels, miscellaneous supplies, etc. are donated. We do not receive state or federal funding and depend on our generous donors to provide funds for utilities and other operational expenses to keep the center open. We do not pay rent. Use of the home is donated courtesy of the Upper Columbia Conference Corporation and family of the late Frieda Cook.

As a child in Switzerland, Frieda Cook hearded goats in the alps and learned to yodel. As a teenager she lived in the gold rush country in California and was hired out to be a maid in the home of a German family. It was through the Koch family that she learned to know Jesus and became a Seventh-day-Adventist Christian. She also fell in love with their son, Bill, and married him in her late teens. Neither Frieda nor Bill had much education, but both were good managers. Frieda traded with the Indians who lived on the ranch where they ran cattle – she was always interested in the women and children she met, and was interested in the things she learned from them. Bill was a shrewd business man and watched every penny.

Frieda had an unlimited food budget because she had to feed the cowboys who worked on the ranch, but she had almost nothing for her own needs. She made her own clothes or bought them at “Dorcas” for a few cents. Frieda's and Bill's two children attended a one room country school, but Frieda knew she wanted more for them when it came time for Academy. She scrimped and saved her food money in order to put them through Christian secondary school and college. Though Frieda had spent her life with nothing to call her own, she and Bill were able to talk about the future and what she would do with his estate. He gave his blessing to her life long desire to be able to support the work of the Lord. Finally united in heart and purpose, the Lord sealed their commitment and let Bill go to sleep.

Frieda reveled in giving. It was her greatest joy! Ultimately, Frieda died of cancer. Her final gift from her charitable trust was given to purchase a place to be used for women and children in need.