Get Involved


Volunteers are at the heart of WHEN. We need individuals who would like to assist us in various ways. Our overall mission and vision is to Help Empower Abused lives. For this to be a reality, we need your support and invite you to consider supporting this ministry.

Ways to be involved

  1. Host a training session or seminar

  2. Plan fundraising projects in your local church or community to support the ministry of WHEN

  3. Underwrite a specific program/service of WHEN

  4. Help underwrite one of our fundraising activities

  5. Help spread the word about WHEN

  6. Volunteer at Frieda's Healing Center

  7. Volunteer at Cleone's Closet

  8. Give presentations to raise awareness of domestic violence and the programs and services of WHEN

  9. Let us know of any unique gifts or talents you may have that can be contributed to WHEN

  10. Pray for us: Without prayer we would cease to exist. Your prayers and the prayers of countless others have helped to keep us operating in spite of many challenges. We ask that you become a prayer partner with us and continue to pray for the network.