2020 Annual Report
On January 19, WHEN board of directors, staff and volunteers met at the Hillyard Baptist Church cafeteria for its annual meeting and strategic planning session.
Tom Bartridge, WHEN Board Chair, led the planning session. Participants teamed up in 4 groups to do a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) relating to the organization. Due to COVID restrictions we were able to accommodate only 23 attendees. Tom will endeavor to compile all of the ideas and suggestions that were made. Our intent is to use this information to guide us as we focus on our mission, goals, and seek ways to provide the most viable, effective, and sustainable programs and services for our clients and community.
During this year we want to be more intentional in letting the community know about WHEN. We also want to increase our fundraising and marketing events.
Last year, we updated our website, and, as a result, our online donations have improved. This year we hope to continue creating additional fundraising campaigns that will fund specific program and services offered by WHEN.
We will also seek more opportunities to be involved in community events that we hope will lead to more local recognition and more financial donations.
We want to create new videos for the website and online advertising. The videos will include snippets of events, conferences, guest speaking engagements, interviews and talks.
Tom Bartridge, Board Chair, leading a discussion.
As the opportunities arise, WHEN will begin advertising in yearly issues of publications. We also will create press releases that can be submitted to local newspapers and other publications.
WHEN also hopes to expand our programs and services so that we are able to assist more individuals.
Because of your continued support, we have been able to fulfill our mission of Helping to Empower Abused Lives. Thank you.
-Mable Dunbar