Thank you for supporting WHEN this past year
Your help and assistance were vital during the past year. Without support from our friends, neighbors, and local businesses, it would have been impossible for women, children, and men to access our programs during 2020. Because of you, WHEN was able to continue to help abused women and children by providing safe, temporary housing at Frieda’s Healing Center.
The Center remained full throughout the year, and there are 12 other individuals who are awaiting shelter. WHEN also conducted two 12-week support groups at the Center for 18 clients and other community members.
Your donations also had a positive impact on our food distribution this year. During 2020, Cleone’s Closet Food Pantry provided nearly 20,000 pounds of food each month, which was more than 200,000 pounds of donated food for the year. That’s more than 100 tons of food provided to over 2,000 hungry women, children, and men in our community. To help you visualize just how amazing this effort was: 100 tons of food is about the same weight of a Boeing 757-200 taking off with 200 passengers on board!
Thank you again for your generosity and for being a part of the WHEN family. WHEN wouldn’t be successful without you.
On behalf of our board of directors, staff, clients, and volunteers, we wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.