Messages from God #5 & 6

Written by Mable Dunbar, PhD

About His Will for My Life:
Messages 5 and 6

Message #5.  Live above the annoyances of life, they are only distractions to keep you away from your mission and the important things in life.  Keep focusedAsk yourself if the situation at hand is really worth your time, effort and energy. Do these distractions make you feel weak and drained? Are they keeping you away from more important things that you need to be accomplish according to what I have asked you to do? I am your Strength.

Remember: “Whatsoever your hands find to do, do it with all thy might.”  Ecclesiastes 9:10. “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” Philippians 4:13. “…Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:14

 Message #6.  Treat others with dignity and respect.  After all they are made in My image and I value them as much as I value you.  Remind yourself to always treat people not only the way you want to be treated but also how I would treat them.  Even if they hurt you, betray you, speak evil of you, lie about you, misrepresent your good intentions, trust Me to take care of you and them.  The important thing to remember is that your reward is with Me.  According to their commitment to Me they will be rewarded too. I will vindicate you.

Remember: -“Whatsoever a man (woman) soweth that shall he (she) also reap.” Galatians 6:7



The Christmas Journey


Messages from God #3 & 4